Prijavi svoju radionicu! / Register your workshop!

-English below-
Vrijeme Digitalnog Transpozij_uma nam se polako približava kao nova prilika da se okupimo u što većem broju i zajedno stvaramo prostor za druženje, razgovor, učenje i zabavu!Ako imaš teme, ideje, i znanje koje želiš podijeliti na ovom jedinstvenom događaju za zajednicu, prijavi svoju radionicu / predavanje / kulturni i/ili umjetnički sadržaj koji želiš održati na Digitalnom Transpoziju_umu 2020!
Stvarajmo zajedno!

Ispuni prijavnicu na jednom od ponuđenih jezika najkasnije do 31.08.2020.

  • Albanski –
  • BCgHS –
  • Engleski –
  • Makedonski –
  • Romski –
  • Slovenski –

Ako imaš bilo kakvih pitanja slobodno nam se javi putem poruke ili na

The time of Digital Transposium is slowly approaching us as a new opportunity to get together in as big of a number as possible and create a space for hanging out, talking, learning and having fun together!
If you have topics, ideas, and any knowledge you want to share at this unique community event, apply your workshop / lecture / cultural and / or artistic content you want to hold on the Digital Transposium 2020!
Let’s create together!

Fill out the application form in one of the offered languages until August 31st at the latest.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us via message or at

Call for translators / interpreters for Digital Transposium 2020

Trans Network Balkan is looking for translators / interpreters to work on the Digital Transposium 2020 translating from BCgHS or English to Albanian, Macedonian, or Slovenian (and potentially vice-versa).

Who are we and what is Digital Transposium?

Trans Network Balkan (TMB) is a small team of activists across the Balkans who came together with the desire to create a regional support network for trans, intersex and gender variant (TIGV) people. Our work covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia.

Transposium is an event that brings together up to 100 TIGV people and allies from across the region as a place where we connect, support, learn from each other and strengthen our movement through educational, artistic and social content. This year we were supposed to hold the 6th Transposium, but due to the circumstances of the current prevalence of disease caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), we decided to hold Transposium 2020 via online platforms. We hope that this way we will gather an even larger number of people from our community who would otherwise not have an opportunity to participate in the live program. You can see some pictures and information from previous Transposiums on the pages of our partners Spektra and Trans Aid.

What are we looking for?

As the next Transposium will be held online, we are hopeful that everyone in the Balkan region will be able to join in and participate in the program with little to no language barriers. Therefore we would like to give paid opportunities to those in our community who could help make that possible: translating application forms (in June/July), application answers (if needed – probably in August), promotional videos (in June/July), the program (draft in July, final in September), as well as live interpretation during Transposium (to be confirmed at a later date, depending on application form responses – if needed, the interpretation would most likely be during weekends from mid-September to mid-October).

How to apply?

If you are interested, please contact us at with the subject line “Translation/interpretation – LANGUAGE” (where “LANGUAGE” is the language(s) you can translate to/from – Albanian, Macedonian and/or Slovenian). Please include your basic information, which languages you could provide translation for, what translation/interpretation experience you have and if you have any previous examples available, as well as your availability (when you can start and whether you could commit to all or only some of the above-mentioned potential translation and interpretation needs).

The call is open to all persons who meet the above criteria, and we especially encourage trans, intersex and gender variant persons from the region to apply!
The deadline for applicants is June 4th 2020.

Javni poziv za prevoditelje_ice na Digitalnom Transpoziju_mu 2020

Trans Mreža Balkan traži prevoditeljeice kojie će raditi na Digitalnom Transpozij_umu 2020 prevodeći sa BCgHS-a ili s engleskog na albanski, makedonski ili slovenski (i potencijalno obrnuto).

Ko smo mi i šta je Digitalni Transpozij_um?

Trans Mreža Balkan (TMB) je mali tim aktivistakinja širom Balkana koji se okupio iz želje da se stvori regionalna mreža podrške za trans, interspolne i rodno varijatne (TIRV) osobe. Djelujemo u Albaniji, BiH, Crnoj Gori, Hrvatskoj, Kosovu, Sjevernoj Makedoniji, Sloveniji i Srbiji.
A Transpozij_um je događaj koji okuplja do 100 TIRV osoba i bližnjih iz cijele regije kao mjesto gdje se povezujemo, podržavamo, učimo jednie od drugih i jačamo naš pokret kroz edukativni, umjetnički i društveni sadržaj. Ove godine smo trebalie održati 6. po redu Transpozij_um, no spletom okolnosti trenutne rasprostranjenosti bolesti uzrokovane koronavirusom (COVID-19) odlučilie smo održati Transpozij_um 2020 putem online platformi. Nadamo se da ćemo ovim putem okupiti još veći broj osoba iz zajednice koje inače ne bi imale mogućnost da učestvuju u programu uživo. Neke slike i informacije s prethodnih Transpozij_uma možeš vidjeti na stranicama naših partnera_ica Spektra i Trans Aid.

Šta tražimo?

Kako će se sljedeći Transpozij_um održavati putem interneta, nadamo se da će se svie iz regije Balkana moći pridružiti i sudjelovati u programu bez jezičnih prepreka. Stoga bismo željeli pružiti plaćenu priliku osobama u našoj zajednici koje bi nam mogle pomoći da to ostvarimo: prevođenjem prijavnih obrazaca (6.-7. mjesec), odgovora na prijavnice (ako bude potrebe – vjerovatno u 8. mjesecu), promotivnih video zapisa (6.-7. mjesec), programa (draft u 7., finalna verzija u 9. mjesecu), kao i simultano prevođenje tokom Transpozij_uma (što će biti potvrđeno kasnije, ovisno o odgovorima u prijavnicama – ako bude potrebno, bilo bi najvjerojatnije vikendima od sredine 9. do sredine 10. mjeseca).

Kako se prijaviti?

Ako si zainteresovan_a, javi nam se na s naslovom “Prijevod – JEZIK” (umjesto “JEZIK” navedi jezik(e) s kojih/na koje možeš prevoditi – albanski, makendoski i/ili slovenski). Pošalji svoje osnovne podatke, koje jezike možeš prevoditi, kakvo iskustvo prevođenja imaš i ako imaš na raspolaganju neke prethodne primjere svojih prevoda, kao i svoju raspoloživost (kada možeš početi, možeš li raditi sve ili samo neki dio gore navedenih potencijalnih potreba za prevođenjem).

Poziv je otvoren za sve osobe koje zadovoljavaju navedene kriterije, a posebno potičemo TIRV osobe iz regije da se prijave!

Rok za slanje prijava je 4.6.2020. godine.

Public call for ideas and production of promotional videos for the Digital Transposium

Do you have experience with video design, directing, production, editing, and / or animation? Do you want to contribute to the rights of TIGV (trans, intersex and gender variant people)? Apply to Trans Network Balkan’s call for development and production of promotional video materials for Digital Transposium 2020!

Who are we and what is Digital Transposium?

Trans Network Balkan (TMB) is a small team of activists across the Balkans who came together with the desire to create a regional support network for trans, intersex and gender variant (TIGV) people. Our work covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia.

Transposium is an event that brings together up to 100 TIGV people and allies from across the region as a place where we connect, support, learn from each other and strengthen our movement through educational, artistic and social content. This year we were supposed to hold the 6th Transposium, but due to the circumstances of the current prevalence of disease caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), we decided to hold Transposium 2020 via online platforms. We hope that this way we will gather an even larger number of people from our community who would otherwise not have an opportunity to participate in the live program. You can see some pictures and information from previous Transposiums on the pages of our partners Spektra and Trans Aid.

What we expect?

In order to bring the idea and the process of realization of the Digital Transposium closer to all TIGV people and allies throughout the region, we plan to publish two promotional videos for social media lasting up to 3 minutes, which will contain live action footage along with simple animation (to be discussed). One video would be for the purpose of clarifying Transposium itself, and the other would explain exactly how the Digital Transposium will take place, which tools we will use and in what way.

The videos would be in BCgHS and English, so working knowledge of both languages ​​or at least one of the two is required.

To visualize what types of videos we have in mind, here are just a few examples (but we are open for dialogue and something different): THE WHOLE PACKAGE: NOW AVAILABLE FOR TRANS MEN, What It’s Like To Be Intersex, My Genderation Films

What do you get?

1. An opportunity to contribute to the TIGV movement and strengthen the TIGV community

2. To work with a great team of TIGV activists (or tell us if we are not so great) 😀

3. To develop your portfolio

4. Some money – we don’t have much, but our goal is to pay people for their contribution whenever possible, so we’ll see together what would be fair 🙂

How to apply?

Send the following to our email address with the subject “Video Digital Transposium”:

  • Links to examples of previous similar work with a clear indication of what your role / contribution was
  • Short motivation letter (eg why you want to work on this, what experience you have, what is your vision / how you see these videos, why we should choose you)
  • Description of capacity and needs (can you do both videos or just 1, how fast do you think you can do it, what aspects can you do – starting from the concept to final product – and for which you would need an extra person, are you ok to work with someone else or only solo)

The call is open to all persons who meet the above criteria, and we especially encourage TIGV persons from the region to apply!

Time frame

Call announcement13.05.2020.
Closing of applications04.06.2020.
Online conversations with chosen applicants08. i 09.06.2020.
Start of production12.06.2020.


English below.

Kao i posljednjih godina, i ove smo krenulie punom parom sa organizacijom novog, 6. po redu Transpozij_uma – regionalnog događaja koji okuplja skoro 100 trans, interspolnih i rodno varijatnih osoba sa cijelog Balkana. No, uzimajući u obzir trenutnu situaciju rasprostranjenja pandemije bolesti COVID-19 i svih rizika koja velika okupljanja nose sa sobom, nažalost smo moralie donijeti tešku odluku da Transpozij_um 6 odgodimo do 2021. Ali pošto ne želimo samo čekati 2021. i bolje dane, i zbog velike važnosti koju Transpozij_um predstavlja za našu zajednicu – kao mjesto gdje se povezujemo, podržavamo, učimo jednie od drugih i jačamo naš pokret – ove godine planiramo Digitalni Transpozij_um da se svei možemo okupiti online! Pošto nam je izrazito bitno da na ovome radimo kolektivno, htjelie bi znati vaša mišljenja o mogućnostima organizacije nekih programa putem online platformi, pa vas pozivamo da nam šaljete sve prijedloge o vrstama sadržaja koje bi moglie zajedno kreirati putem interneta. Virtualne konferencije (webinari) mogu biti zanimljivo iskustvo za povezivanje zajednice. Ne pružaju istu vrstu intimne interakcije koju dobivamo okupljanjem u stvarnom životu, ali ipak mogu pružiti mogućnosti za učenje, razmjenu znanja i umrežavanje. Sve sugestije, pitanja, i razmišljanja pišite nam putem komentara ili poruka na društvenim mrežama, ili na email: Radujemo se vašim idejama kojima ćemo stvarati Digitalni Transpozij_um zajedničkim snagama! Javljamo se još uskoro, dok sakupimo prve prijedloge i osmislimo kad i kako dalje. 🙂


As in recent years, we have started full steam ahead with the organization of the next, 6th Transposium – a regional event that brings together almost 100 trans, intersex and gender-diverse people from all over the Balkans. However, given the current situation of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and all the risks that large gatherings bring, we unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to postpone Transposium 6 until 2021. However since we don’t want to just wait for 2021 and better days, and because of the great importance that Transposium represents for our community – as a place where we connect, support, learn from each other and strengthen our movement – this year we are planning a Digital Transposium so that we can all gather online! Since it is extremely important to us to work on this collectively, we would like to know your opinions on the possibilities of organizing some programs through online platforms, so we invite you to send us all suggestions on the types of content we could create together via the Internet. Virtual conferences (webinars) can be an interesting experience for connecting communities. They do not provide the same kind of intimate interaction we get by gathering in real life, but they can still provide opportunities for learning, knowledge sharing, and networking. Send us all of you suggestions, questions, and thoughts via comments or messages on social networks, or by email at We are looking forward to your ideas with which we will create the Digital Transposium together! We will get back to you soon, while we gather the the initial suggestions and figure out when and how to proceed. 🙂

Prijave za Transpozij_um 5!

Apply for Transposium 5 here!

Želiš da učestvuješ u magičnom događaju trans, inter i rodno varijantih osoba?

Transpozij_um 5, Zagreb, 27.-31.03.2019.

Trans Mreža Balkan, Trans Aid i Asocijacija Spektra te ove godine pozivaju da se prijaviš na peti po redu Transpozij_um koji će se održati u Zagrebu u periodu 27.3.-31.3.2019. Ove godine u sklopu Transpozij_uma organiziramo i prvi Balkanski Trans Inter Marš!

Ukoliko želiš da budeš dio regionalnog događaja, koji okuplja trans, inter i rodno varijantne osobe, prijavi se ovdje, najkasnije do 15.2. prije ponoći. 

I ove godine te očekuje mnogo zanimljivih radionica, kulturnog sadržaja, povezivanja, razmjenjivanja iskustva, znanja, osjećanja i nezaboravno druženje, ali i prvi Balkanski Trans Inter Marš – ukoliko želiš da marširaš sa nama! 

Troškove učešća (put, hrana, materijal) ćemo nastojati pokriti za što više osoba, međutim, kako su finansije ograničene, ohrabrujemo sve osobe koje to mogu da pokriju sebi putne troškove, djelimično ili u potpunosti, kako bi što veći broj transrodnih, interpolnih i rodno varijantnih osoba mogao da prisustvuje Transpozij_umu i Trans Inter Maršu.

Naročito ohrabrujemo trans, inter i rodno varijantne Rome_kinje, seksualne radnike_ce, osobe sa invaliditetom da popune prijavu!

Planirani radni jezik je BCGHS (bosanski_crnogorski_hrvatski_srpski), međutim moguća je i upotreba engleskog, slovenačkog, makedonskog i/ili albanskog jezika ukoliko bude mogućnosti za prevođenje među učesnicima_cama.

Za bilo kakva pitanja, slobodno nam se obratite putem e-maila na: ili