This started as a quick reflection on a professional + community conference I attended this past week and an activist-followup-mini-conference. But then it quickly grew into a rant about why I’m even in activism, mostly for my own emotional cleansing :p And then I realised that this is a good opportunity to share with the people in my life who know me from the days when I didn’t (allow myself to) understand my own gender reality. My life back then was vastly different from the one I have now. If I had to distil it down – I am now much more present in myself and in the world around me, and it’s been wild :p And I finally feel strong enough to share that in words. (Normally, I do it through making crazy detailed work plans, attempting to put them all into action with my amazing team and other awesome peeps, and generally trying to connect everyone I know into an indestructible network of love and support. And crying a lot. And baking maniacally.)