English below.

Kao i posljednjih godina, i ove smo krenulie punom parom sa organizacijom novog, 6. po redu Transpozij_uma – regionalnog događaja koji okuplja skoro 100 trans, interspolnih i rodno varijatnih osoba sa cijelog Balkana. No, uzimajući u obzir trenutnu situaciju rasprostranjenja pandemije bolesti COVID-19 i svih rizika koja velika okupljanja nose sa sobom, nažalost smo moralie donijeti tešku odluku da Transpozij_um 6 odgodimo do 2021. Ali pošto ne želimo samo čekati 2021. i bolje dane, i zbog velike važnosti koju Transpozij_um predstavlja za našu zajednicu – kao mjesto gdje se povezujemo, podržavamo, učimo jednie od drugih i jačamo naš pokret – ove godine planiramo Digitalni Transpozij_um da se svei možemo okupiti online! Pošto nam je izrazito bitno da na ovome radimo kolektivno, htjelie bi znati vaša mišljenja o mogućnostima organizacije nekih programa putem online platformi, pa vas pozivamo da nam šaljete sve prijedloge o vrstama sadržaja koje bi moglie zajedno kreirati putem interneta. Virtualne konferencije (webinari) mogu biti zanimljivo iskustvo za povezivanje zajednice. Ne pružaju istu vrstu intimne interakcije koju dobivamo okupljanjem u stvarnom životu, ali ipak mogu pružiti mogućnosti za učenje, razmjenu znanja i umrežavanje. Sve sugestije, pitanja, i razmišljanja pišite nam putem komentara ili poruka na društvenim mrežama, ili na email: Radujemo se vašim idejama kojima ćemo stvarati Digitalni Transpozij_um zajedničkim snagama! Javljamo se još uskoro, dok sakupimo prve prijedloge i osmislimo kad i kako dalje. 🙂


As in recent years, we have started full steam ahead with the organization of the next, 6th Transposium – a regional event that brings together almost 100 trans, intersex and gender-diverse people from all over the Balkans. However, given the current situation of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and all the risks that large gatherings bring, we unfortunately had to make the difficult decision to postpone Transposium 6 until 2021. However since we don’t want to just wait for 2021 and better days, and because of the great importance that Transposium represents for our community – as a place where we connect, support, learn from each other and strengthen our movement – this year we are planning a Digital Transposium so that we can all gather online! Since it is extremely important to us to work on this collectively, we would like to know your opinions on the possibilities of organizing some programs through online platforms, so we invite you to send us all suggestions on the types of content we could create together via the Internet. Virtual conferences (webinars) can be an interesting experience for connecting communities. They do not provide the same kind of intimate interaction we get by gathering in real life, but they can still provide opportunities for learning, knowledge sharing, and networking. Send us all of you suggestions, questions, and thoughts via comments or messages on social networks, or by email at We are looking forward to your ideas with which we will create the Digital Transposium together! We will get back to you soon, while we gather the the initial suggestions and figure out when and how to proceed. 🙂